How Soon Is Soon Enough To Marry Your Boyfriend – Is 6 Months Too Soon?


Ask Paarull!

By Paarull Bakshi

If you have a question about your relationship that bothers you and you don’t know who to ask, the LINK has you covered. Ask Paarull at [email protected]!

A girl told me her story on how a man completely changed her life, here it goes:

While in University, she met a guy that made her who she is today. She was always beautiful and talented but never really believed in herself. This guy showed her how to enhance her talent and move forward in life and also gave her so much confidence which she once lacked. From being a very scared, timid type of personality, she turned into a much confident, young woman. He made her try new things such as meeting new people, put her out in the public eye and told her to make something of herself. She gives credit to this guy who enhanced her life in ways that she never imagined. Even though, they aren’t together anymore but she says that he is the sole reason she is what she is today. She said it was love of another kind, one that she can never forget and connection which she never again found. It lives with her as a memory now and she will cherish it forever and always.

I wanted to share this story with you all this week because this story proves that not all relationships are harmful and sometimes they are a blessing in disguise.

Now onto our questions for the week:

Paarull – I know my boyfriend for only 6 months, is it too soon to want to marry him?

It’s when you feel is right and make sure that you can see yourself spending a good part of your life with him.

Paarull – is it okay for me to tell my boyfriend that I need some space as I feel that I spend too much time with him?

Yes it’s completely Ok to tell your partner that you need some space from them and this can often cause problems later on if one person feels that they need more space.

Paarull – is it okay to date someone that isn’t who our culture thinks is or would be good match for us? By this I mean that he’s much older and was married once before.

We never know who we’re going to fall for so it’s whoever your heart feels is right! There is no right or wrong. Do what you want in your life the way you want to live it!

If you have a relationship question that you’d like to share then – Ask Paarull at [email protected]!