How To Spot A Relationship Cheater?


Ask Paarull!

By Paarull Bakshi

If you have a question about your relationship that bothers you and you don’t know who to ask, the LINK has you covered. Ask Paarull at [email protected]!

7 ways of spotting a cheater:

1.            He has a wandering eye: whenever you are with him, if you see him constantly looking at other girls and gazing at them then you know for sure that he’s got a wandering eye

2.            He is a compulsive liar: listen to him carefully about some things, if his stories don’t add up then you would know that there is something to be careful of

3.            He cheated on his ex- girlfriend: once a cheater, always a cheater!

4.            He hides his texts and phone calls: if you see him going into another room to make phone calls or texts then you know that he’s got something to hide

5.            He leads other girls on : if you see him being flirtatious with other women and asking them out for dates then this gives others mixed signals about what he expects from them. Maybe he sees them as more than friends!

6.            He calls himself single: if a man is with you but tells people that he’s single then he still wants to meet other women and keep his options open

7.            He wants to attend events alone: events or parties are where you would meet other people, so if he wants to attend these events alone then you know that he’s still looking

I can’t say that only men cheat and cheaters could really be men or women as we’re all humans and we’re all capable to do such things when given certain opportunities. But if some of those things above are true for your man then I would be a little careful ladies. XOXO Paarull

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