Ask Paarull!


He says that he just lost interest….

I met a girl last week who told me her personal story and it goes like such:

She got married about 6 years ago to a man she met in her last year of University, she said that he was her perfect man and everything was great for the first two years of marriage as they were madly in love but then a little later, things started to dwindle and not exactly sure as to why!

She said that she would come home and make him his favorite food and he wouldn’t eat it, she would buy him his favorite colognes, shirts, etc. etc. but nothing ever worked and she started to become very tired and depressed. It was like there was nothing that she could do to fix this situation, she finally asked him what had happened and why they weren’t like they used to be? His reply was “I’ve just lost interest…” and following this line, he filed for divorce the next week and handed her the papers. She was horrified as to what had just happened to her, how could this be? she thought! Was there something she could do to fix this situation? The simple answer was “No.”

She is now divorced but didn’t know what led up to this, I have to say that she’s a strong woman as many others in her position would’ve just given up. Why do things like this happen? What can we do to avoid this?

Well here are some things to pay attention to:

Is your spouse a little distant?

Is he/she acting different than normal?

Have their habits changed?

Do they stay away from the house for long periods of time?

Have they started to behave weird with you? Not treating you the same, avoiding you, etc. etc.

Has their routine changed?

Do you see him hang around someone else more?

Just a few things to notice, I feel that if we notice things a little earlier, it may be helpful later on and things can be resolved!

Keep writing at [email protected]

XOXO Paarull