Guru Nanak’s Free Kitchen Continues It’s Mission Of Serving Humanity


NEW WESTMINSTER – After years of humbly serving the needs of those individuals in the poorest and most needed neighborhood of Vancouver, GNFK (Guru Nanak’s Free Kitchen), continues with the service.

In the beginning it was hard to get enough volunteers.  Many volunteers have come and gone and some have remained with the service and never miss a day.  Now there are many volunteers with allocated duties.  Everything is done very professionally.  The serving of the needy that was started by Guru Nanak Dev Ji with twenty rupees has spread around the world and this is just one branch of that great service.  Hundreds of years later and millions of hungry souls have been served.

Food is made fresh at the Khalsa Diwan Society (Sukh Sagar Gurdwara) in New Westminster and then served every Sunday at the corner of Hastings and Main Street in East Vancouver every Sunday.  The community recognizes and respects the great work done by the Sukh Sagar Gurdwara and all the volunteers of GNFK.