AGING GRACEFULLY: Positive Attitude Can Be A Way To Living Healthy


By Balwant Sanghera

According to media reports, University of Chicago surveyed 3,026 adults ages 30 and above about their attitudes towards growing old. The survey was conducted between September 19 and 21. It came up with some very interesting results. It found that younger generations are less optimistic than the older ones. As people grow older they become more optimistic. The survey found that people in their 30s were found to be 46% optimistic whereas those in their 70s 66% optimistic. So far as the quality of life is concerned, the respondents had similar disparity. Those in their 30s rated the quality of their lives as very good or excellent whereas nearly 70% of people who were in their 70s rated their lives as very good or excellent. It indicates that as people grow older they begin to appreciate different aspects of their lives than your younger peers. Though this sample was very small yet it does point to something very interesting.

Positive attitude may be one of the reasons that seniors these days are living a lot longer than their ancestors. Current trends indicate that a large number of seniors are living productively upto one hundred years. Longevity of seniors is becoming quite common now. People like marathon runner Fauja Singh and Mrs.  Mann Kaur are setting a good example in this regard.  A recent report in the media indicates that a person’s genetics account for about 20%. The remaining 80% is dependent on other factors like diet and lifestyle. It further pointed out that historically, humans are created to be mobile. In other words we were born to engage extensively in mobility oriented activities. It further stated that our body goes into hibernation if we don’t move for 90 minutes or more. Thus, it is important to keep the body in motion as much as possible. It is necessary not only for good health but also for mental clarity and longevity.

Aging is a natural process.  As we age, our health is likely to decline. Our reflexes may not as good as they were in our younger years. Also, our memory may not be as sharp as it was when we were young. With advancing years we may become more dependent on others. These developments are part of aging. Rather ta blaming others for our difficulties we need to accept this natural process. Change is the law of nature. As a matter of fact, change is the only constant in our lives. Acceptance of our limitations and adopting a positive attitude towards life makes dealing with any issues a lot easier. We must make every effort in staying active physically, socially and mentally.

Walking or jogging is a great way to be physically active. Having a purpose in life is another crucial part of enjoying life and aging gracefully. This could be having a hobby, helping with raising the grandchildren and volunteering for activities that one enjoys. Such activities are also very helpful in dealing with stress. These days, a lot of people- especially seniors- seem to be facing stress of some kind.  All of us, especially seniors, must do everything within our means, to avoid stress. If it can’t be avoided, we need to find ways and means of altering and adapting it. If unable to do so we must accept the fact and find ways and means to deal with stress in a productive manner. Mindfulness, focusing on the present has been described as an effective way to get rid of success.

In order to enjoy a healthy and productive life we need to find some time to relax at least for half an hour in the morning and half an hour in the evening. Simply sitting quietly and focusing on your breath puts you in a relaxed state of mind. In addition to relaxation, exercise even for a few minutes daily is extremely beneficial for a healthy mind and body. Proper diet is also very important in staying healthy.

Positive thinking and having an optimistic outlook on life goes a long way in enjoying our senior years. With proper attitude and right frame of mind, a person, regardless of his/her age, can tackle any challenge. As we grow older we become wiser.  It is true that as we age, our reflexes don’t work the way they used to be.  This is something we should expect and be prepared for it. As a matter of fact, aging is a gradual transition. If one feels young at heart, the years don’t have much relevance. Eventually, everyone has to go through the aging process. This is a reality. So why not accept it and enjoy every moment of your life no matter how old or young you are. After all, age is really a number. Rather than worrying about getting old we should enjoy life. This kind of positive attitude /approach will go a long way in helping us age gracefully.

Balwant Sanghera is a retired School Psychologist and Community Activist.