Rising Star Young Surrey Boxer Eric Basran Wins His First Belt


SURREY – Rising star young Surrey boxer Eric Basran was a dominant presence in Winnipeg last week, winning two unanimous bouts against Team Mexico’s Oscar Oswaldo Salgado Fabela.

Basran, 18, earned the first belt of his career last Thursday at the United Boxing Club’s Melee Gala, a fundraising event for Variety, the Children’s Charity, and then, two days later, he won his second, reported Peace Arch News.

The special boxing event features the “United Boxing Corporate Challenge,” in which white-collar competitors go through intensive boxing training for three months leading up to the event, and face off in the ring to raise money.

After the corporate challenge comes the main event: six Olympic-style bouts between Team Canada and Team Mexico.

Basran, who fights in the elite men’s 56-kg category, took on Mexico’s Oscar Oswaldo Salgado Fabela and came out victorious in a 3-0 decision.

Basran was awarded “Best Bout” for his performance, along with a $1,000 bursary earmarked for personal and professional development. The bursary is awarded in honour of former Boxing Canada President John O’Shea.

Two days later, on Saturday, Sept. 9, the international teams met again for a scheduled re-match at the first-ever United Boxing Classic.

Four Canadian boxers were on the card — down from six at the Melee Gala — due to injuries from the Thursday matches.

But, on the heels of winning the first belt of his career, Basran forged ahead and defeated Fabela once more, in another 3-0 decision. Not only did he win his second belt but the judges also awarded him with the prize of “Best Boxer.”

Team Canada scored seven victories out of the ten total matches that took place at the United Boxing Club events. Basran and fellow Team Canada boxer Caroline Veyre left Winnipeg with two wins, and Joshua Frazer, Triston Brookes and Alexis Barriere went home with one victory each.