Can The Solution To Most Of The World’s Problems Be For Us To Become Better Human Beings?


By Dr. Jagessar Das

The world has seen tragic developments from immemorial times. Over many years there have been tragedies in various countries perpetrated by human beings against other humans. And I do not here include natural disasters. There has hardly been a time in the world when one can say that there has been absolute peace and wellbeing for all the citizens. In one place or country or another, there have always been conflicts, some short in duration, and some long; some with a few loss of lives, and others with a great many; some resulting in a small amount of suffering for the average citizen, and others creating havoc with the lives of the civilians; some causing a minor disruption of the economy, and others practically destroying the economy of a whole country; some causing heartache for a few parents who have lost their young sons, and others causing heartaches to a great number of people who have lost sons by the thousands.  Some of these tragedies, caused by the military, had the blessings of their respective churches, and others have been condemned by the churches. What is happening in this crazy world anyway?

The solution to most of the problems in the world is that we need to become better people. If all people could better themselves, then society as a whole would be better, each country will be better off, and better governed. If every country is better governed, and its population is better off in terms of conduct and character, then it is obvious that the whole world would benefit. But how can we improve ourselves? We can do this very easily by examining ourselves, by asking some very pointed questions of ourselves, and supplying honest answers. Some of these questions are as follows:  Do I live and let others live in freedom and harmony? Do I tend to judge others when I am not myself perfect? Do I get angry easily? Do I hate others? Do I tell lies? Do I tend to have my own way with other people? Am I bossy? Do I boast about myself? Am I greedy or covetous and tend to get things at the expense of other people? Do I feel unduly attached to things, people, ideas etc.? Am I wrapped up in myself and not care about others? Do I tend to complain about things and people? Do I have confidence in myself? Am I a disciplined person? Do I persevere in my tasks and do a good job for myself and others? Do I criticize others? Do I have a quick temper? Do I speak nicely to people? Do I tend to be rude, to gossip, or be overbearing, or domineering with others? Am I disrespectful to people, parents, teachers, elders? Am I truly a religious person, or do I wear religion on my sleeve so others can see it? Do I expect to be rewarded or praised when I give to others or to charities? Do I show genuine love to my children and other people? Do I respect the rights and freedoms of other people? Am I sincere in whatever I say? Do I tend to be positive about myself, or am I nagged by negative feelings?

These are questions people can ask themselves. I am sure that you can add other questions to this list. However, this list is enough to give you an idea of what is necessary.

It is imperative that you make positive moves to improve yourself. No one else can do it for you. It is a basic premise that all people are created equal by God, and all people have the same rights, expectations and freedoms as you do. This is established in the constitutions of many countries. It is also embedded in religious, ethical and philosophical disciplines. It is also clearly evident when examined in the light of reason that we are all in this world and, before the Supreme Power, we are all really equal.

If everyone took care to improve himself, and recognize the Divinity that dwells in all beings, as God is Omnipresent, then it is easy to see that we can be cordial and loving towards others. We do not have to impose our expectations and will on others. It becomes easy to love others as we love ourselves. We should have no personal axe to grind, when such a grinding will impose loss or suffering to other people. Let us truly become spiritual beings and not merely think that we are spiritual beings, and go through the external show and pretensions of being spiritual. If we truly become spiritual beings, then the problems of the world will not arise, because it will not be in our hearts to initiate or perpetrate the calamities which are so rampant in the whole world. How can the Kingdom of Heaven be on earth if the kingdom cannot have righteous beings? Let basic goodness not be an abstract idea in the mind, but a working and practical part of your being. Improve yourself! See Divinity within yourself! See Divinity in all beings! Divinity will become a cherished treasure in your heart, and your sorrows will cease.

Dr. Jagessar Das is a Surrey-based spiritualist and activist and a Surrey Interfaith Council Member. He can be reached at [email protected].