Calendar of the Week



Preparing For Death! Learn How

The George Mackie Library is offering a couple of free programs to help you prepare now for what happens after you die. Join us on Wednesday, September 18 form 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm at the George Mackie Library for Your Legacy Your Library, an interactive presentation addressing the advantages of pre-arranging a funeral, including the benefits of planning and the steps involved in the planning process. Having a “Will” does not mean your estate is prepared. The Estate Planning workshop – Living Well & Leaving Well – presented by Executor Protection and the Canadian Preplanning Council, on Wednesday, September 25 from 10:30 am – 12 pm at the George Mackie Library, covers important topics for you, your family and your Executor. Probate, Powers of Attorney, Wills and Executor tips, cremation or burial preplanning and more will be discussed. Make sure ALL your ducks are in a row!


Commemoration Of Epic Sargarhi Battle

The commemoration of the epic battle Sargarhi will be celebrated at The Grand Taj Banquet hall on September 12 at 6;30pm in Surrey. All Ex-Servicemen of Indian forces are requested to attend the occasion with their wives. For more information call 604-591-3939.


Technology Help At Surrey Libraries

Need help with your new tech toy?

Get one to one technology help in a friendly atmosphere. Bring your questions and your device!

We will help you with questions about:

Computer Basics — mousing, internet searching, Microsoft Word

Tablet basics — downloading apps, eBooks, magazines

Essentials of using eReaders or laptops

Cyber safety basics –how to be safe while using the Internet

Surrey Libraries is not able to diagnose or repair hardware issues.


Richmond Multicultural Community Services

Our staff help people with accessing Government services, Resume/cover letter, Employment, Information health care services, Information on housing, Information on Education, Assistance with filling up the forms, Any queries client have, Apart from this, we conduct workshops, English classes, computer classes, and special events every month. Anyone can contact -Neena Suri (South Asian Settlement Worker). P. 604-279-7160 F: 604-279-7168,Working hours: Mondays, Wednesday, and Saturday, Email: [email protected] us at


Settlement Workers: Mandarin/English

Wednesdays, 1 – 5 pm – George Mackie Library, 8440 – 112 Street, Delta

Are you a newcomer to Canada who needs help adjusting to your new life? Free and confidential services are offered to help newcomers – with all their needs – during the process of settling into their new community. Settlement and Integration Services are free for immigrants, refugees and their families in BC.


Fleetwood/Guildford WorkBC Employment Services Centre

“Fleetwood/Guildford WorkBC Employment Services Centre supports both employers and employees. We assist employers find suitable employees through programs such as Wage Subsidy and we assist individuals to find employment through many services, including training. Best of all, all our services are FREE. For more information, please call our office at 604-580-9740.”


Borrow An eReader From Surrey Libraries

Always wanted to try one before you buy? Here’s your chance.

Check out a Kobo Touch for a 3 week loan from any Surrey Library.

Each Kobo Touch is loaded with Classics:

Anne of Green Gables

Tristan & Iseult

Anna Karenina

Count of Monte Cristo

Mysterious Affair at Styles

Check the library catalogue for availability or reserve one today!