Premier Horgan Observes International Day For The Elimination of Racial Discrimination


VICTORIA – BC Premier John Horgan and Anne Kang, Minister of Citizens’ Services and responsible for Multiculturalism, observed the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. The two put out a joint statement this week:

“Today is International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, a day to stand together against those who seek to divide us and renew our commitment to fight racism, prejudice and discrimination.

“At a time when people around the world are using hate and division as tools, we must stay united. Through challenging times, we are always stronger and more resilient as a province when we treat each other with kindness, generosity and respect.

“As individuals, we must use our voices to speak out against racism and discrimination. Those who have privilege must acknowledge it and learn to see the world from different perspectives. This is how we will truly understand ourselves and others.

“As a government, we are working every day to build a better B.C., where everyone is treated with dignity and respect. We re-established the Human Rights Commission to protect and defend human rights throughout the province. In 2019, Ravi Kahlon, as parliamentary secretary for sport and multiculturalism, held 21 community dialogues on racism and hate. As a result of these conversations, we launched Resilience BC, a new anti-racism network that will support partners in 40 communities throughout the province in their work to eliminate racism, discrimination and hate.

“Today, and every day, we celebrate the multicultural province we are so lucky to live in. Our lives and communities are enriched by the diverse cultures that make up British Columbia.

“Our government will continue to stand up for equality and justice, so our children will grow up in a province and a world where everyone feels valued and respected.”