Against all odds Canada has showcased — Unity in Diversity can exist


We all celebrated July 1 or Canada Day with fireworks, concerts, BBQ, sports, cultural events, parades etc. in distinct parts of Canada. Canada Day is also called the Canadian National Day. Its old name was ‘Dominion Day’, renamed Canada Day in 1947. The historic significance of the Canada day is that it is the anniversary of the Constitutional Act, of 1867 that joins New Brunswick and Nova Scotia into a single country.

Other noteworthy events and breakthroughs on this day were: The First national radio was set up in 1927; the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation carried out its first broadcast throughout Canada in 1958; the first telecast in colour was held in 1966; the national anthem was also decided in 1980.

The Day is celebrated in Vancouver also in a special manner. Vancouver’s original name was ‘Granville’. In 1886, it was renamed to Vancouver in the honour of  George Vancouver, an English navigator.

While celebrating the Day, it is important to reflect on ‘Multiculturalism’, the ‘Unity in Diversity’ and ‘Diversity in Unity’ aspects of Canada. Canada is in real sense a multicultural country as it ensures that all citizens can keep their identities and take pride in their ancestry.

As more immigrants come to Canada searching avenues for a better life, the society naturally becomes more multicultural and diverse. At the same time, the government is committed to a policy to achieve quality in economic, social, cultural, and political life. Multiculturalism can lead to many great outcomes, including racial and ethnic and linguistic harmony, which simply means that people from distinct cultures get along well together. Canada takes the concept of multiculturalism a step further with the importance it attaches to individual freedoms.

Diversity is Canada’s strength. In one of his addresses, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said, “Canada has learned how to be strong not despite our differences, but because of them, and going forward, that capacity will be at the heart of both our success and of what we offer the world. Our commitment to diversity and inclusion is not about Canadians being nice and polite – though of course we are. In fact, this commitment is a powerful and ambitious approach to making Canada and the world a better and safer place.”

About one-fifth of Canadians were born elsewhere. In Toronto, the largest city, more than half were born outside Canada. The country has shown that inclusive diversity is a strength that can vanquish intolerance, radicalism, racism, and hate. Canadian policy refuses to see a contradiction between individual liberty and collective identity. On the contrary, it has created a society where both thrive and mutually reinforce one another. Here the cooperation and understanding among various religions and communities is exemplary. In times of adversity, all come together.

It is not that Canada has not committed mistakes in the past on account of ethnic and racial grounds, but it has recognized, accepted, and rectified those wrongs by The Charter of Rights and Freedoms, The Multiculturalism Act, The Official Languages Act and welcoming Muslims, Jews, Sikhs, Hindus and Buddhists to practice their religion as they choose. Refugees from politically ravaged countries are welcome into Canada with open arms.

Canada is a perfect place as far as ‘unity in diversity’ is concerned. Despite its multicultural and multi-religious society, every individual is free from any form of discrimination and will have guaranteed equality under the law. The Canadian Bill of Rights of August 1960 was a bold step in the protection of human rights. However, experiencing some flaws in the Bill of Rights, it was replaced by the Charter of Rights and Freedoms in 1982. In addition to defending individual rights, the Charter aspires to promote national values as a counterbalance to regional and sectional loyalties. While introducing the Charter, the 15thPrime Minister of Canada, Pierre Elliot Trudeau said, “We must now establish the basic principles, the basic values and beliefs which hold us together as Canadians so that beyond our regional loyalties there is a way of life and system of values which make us proud of the country that has given us freedom and such immeasurable joy.”

Someone has rightly said that “The beauty of the world lies in the diversity of its people.” In fact, appreciating diversity is important to our very existence. “There is a Law that a man should love his neighbour as himself. In a few hundred years it should be as natural to mankind as breathing or the upright gait; but if he does not learn it, he must perish.”