Amitabh Bachchan Turns ‘Natsamrat’!


The actor will be seen inthe role of the protagonist – anaging Shakespearean stageactor in Mahesh Manjrekar’son-screen adaptation of V VShirwadkar’s Marathi literarymasterpieceAmitabh Bachchan hasgiven a green signal to hiscareer’s first ever screen adaptationof Marathi literature.

The actor will play the roleof an aging Shakespeareanactor in the adaptation of V VShirwadkar’s Marathi literarymasterpiece Natsamrat.we learnt that directorMahesh Manjrekar, who hadbeen scripting the screen versionof the celebrated play formore than a year, finally tookthe screenplay to Big B forapproval last week.
The film will begin in thenext couple of months aheadof Big B starrer Mehrunissa.According to reports, theactor will begin shooting forthe film soon after he returnsfrom a medical check upabroad. When contactedManjrekar said, “Mr Bachchanhas done it all.When he read Natsamrat,the character of the protagonistjust grabbed him.
This is the kind of challengehe’s looking for at thisstage of his career.”However, we learnt thatBig B fears that his role in thefilm will have shades ofRituparno Ghosh’s The LastLear where the Big B played anaging Shakespearean actor.Manjrekar told us, “I sawRituparno Ghosh’s film tomake sure there are no similaritiesbetween his film and mine.Mr Bachchan’s role inNatsamrat is completely differentfrom The Last Lear.
He plays a fading stageactor who forgets the differencebetween real life and theShakespearean characters heplays.I feel at this stage in hiscareer this is the kind of challengeMr Bachchan needs. Andhe agrees.”In the next few months theBig B will undertake extensivepreparation for his role inNatsamrat.
Since he has never acted ina movie version of a stageadaptation the actor needs tomerge the stage and screenperformance in the same lineof vision.Sonakshi’s Dhamaka!Amitabh Bachchan Turns ‘Natsamrat’!To ATTdoov TAAeodd rAvvtedeivrrstteiiersst ieesC eCC aCaaalllllll l @@@@ 66 660004440545599911155915561110