Are You Really Eating Healthy?


Resolved to lose weight and so, you’re only eating healthy these days? Think again, as certain foods that seem healthy are actually calorie bombs leading to weight gain. Here are some of those culprits, and expert advice on the right way to eat them.

*Salad: We all switch to salads as soon as we pledge to start eating healthy. There’s nothing wrong with it, as long as you don’t overload your salad with cheese, croutons, nuts and creamy dressings. Doing this will make your salad more fattening than a pizza!

Expert advice: Add seeds and nuts to your salad for the crunch and flavour.

*Avocado: Ah! Yes, avocado is a delicious super food, and each avocado contains 10gm of fibre and twice the amount of potassium as found in bananas. They are also full of anti-oxidants and are belly filling. However, if losing weight is your aim, you better watch your avocado intake. They are calorie dense, and are very high in fat content.

A whole avocado contains about 250 calories and 25 grams of fat. (Photo: Shutterstock)

Expert advice: Use in moderation when adding them to your salads and sandwiches. Stick to one avocado a day.

*Smoothies: We’re not saying smoothies are bad, but you’ve got to exclude ingredients like peanut butter, chocolate, cream or flavoured syrup from this yoghurt wonder, and you’re good to go.

Expert advice: A healthy smoothie is one that only contains fresh fruits, low-fat yoghurt and unsweetened milk.

*Nuts: You may be snacking on dry fruits instead of popcorn at the movies, or opting for peanuts as you grab that beer with friends, because someone told you nuts are healthy. Sure they have heart-healthy fats, but may pose as a hindrance in getting that lean body you desire.

Nuts paired with sugary or salty toppings can be detrimental to health. (Photo: Shutterstock)

Expert advice: Avoid the combination of beer and nuts, instead go for pumpkin seeds or flax seeds.

*Protein Bar: Protein is good, right? Oh yes it is, but not when it’s double decked with sugar in the form of protein bars. If you want to lose kilos, stay away from these bars, or else say goodbye to those flat abs.

Expert advice: Replace the protein bars with lentils or egg whites, as they have a low calorie count.