BC Human Rights Commissioner releases short video to help people recognize systematic discrimination


VANCOUVER, BC: Systemic discrimination is a major issue in B.C. and Canada, yet many people don’t know what it is or how to recognize it. That’s why B.C.’s Office of the Human Rights Commissioner has released a new educational video to build an understanding of such dicrimiantion in the province. The two-minute animated short, Introduction to Systematic Discrimination, is designed to help individuals recognize systematic discrimination in their own lives and communities.

“Systematic discrimination refers to the ways in which laws, policies, and societal structures can produce consistently discriminatory outcomes. Even seemingly neutral standards, rules or practices can perpetuate discrimination,” said Kasari Govender, BC Human Rights Commissioner.

Despite the pervasiveness of systemic discrimination, many people in British Columbia and across Canada are unfamiliar with the concept and its implications. As a result, people may unknowingly perpetuate discriminatory systems or fail to recognize when they themselves are experiencing systemic discrimination. BCOH PC’s video seeks to bridge this knowledge gap by providing a clear and accessible explanation of systemic discrimination along with real-life examples from the province.

“We all have the right to be free from discrimination,” said Govender. “It is crucial that people in B.C. understand systemic discrimination and its impact so that we can address it effectively. This video and its discussion guide are designed to help British Columbians take a first step in this learning journey.”

These systemic discrimination resources are produced as part of the Commissioner’s mandate to educate British Columbians about human rights issues. By increasing awareness and understanding of systemic discrimination, BCOHPC aims to empower individuals to recognize and address this issue, fostering a more inclusive and equitable society in British Columbia.

To watch the Introduction to Systemic Discrimination video and access the discussion guide, please visit bchumanriRhts.ca/systemic-discrimination.