BC rolls out new combination bivalent vaccine through fall booster program


VICTORIA – People will soon be able to get better protection against COVID-19, as the Province rolls out the new combination bivalent vaccine through its fall booster program.

On Sept. 1, 2022, Health Canada authorized the use of the Moderna bivalent COVID-19 vaccine as a booster dose for adults over the age of 18. The National Advisory Committee on Immunization recommends that adults 18 years of age and older who are recommended to receive a fall booster dose should be offered an authorized dose of a bivalent Omicron-containing mRNA COVID-19.

In BC, this new vaccine will be available to all adults over the age of 18 and youth from 12 to 17 years who are at high risk of severe outcomes from COVID-19. Invitations will go out over the coming days and weeks.

This vaccine offers enhanced protection against COVID-19 by targeting the original virus strain and is effective against Omicron subvariants, which continue to be the most common subvariants in B.C.

As with the previous doses, the timing of invitations will be based on risk and age, as long as it has been six months since the previous dose. Priority groups will continue to include people over the age of 60, Indigenous Peoples of all ages, people who are clinically extremely vulnerable and people, such as eligible health-care workers, who work with high-risk and vulnerable individuals.

Children and youth, from five to 17, are also eligible for booster doses.

Parents and guardians will receive invitations to book booster appointments when their children are eligible.

Learn More:

For information about the new COVID-19 vaccine, visit: http://www.bccdc.ca/Health-Info-Site/Documents/COVID_briefings/COVID-19_Fall_Booster.pdf