BC Translators And Interpreters Celebrate 30th Anniversary


By Gian Singh Kotli

VANCOUVER — The Society of Translators and Interpreters of BC (STIBC) is holding a day long educational and informative event to celebrate its 30th Anniversary and International Translation Day on Friday, September 30, 2011 at Fairmont Waterfront Hotel, 900 Canada  Place Way, Vancouver, B.C.

All these years the STIBC has provided quality and valuable services in translation and interpretation to the communities in almost all the languages. The STIBC is affiliated to the Canadian Translators, Terminologists and Interpreters Council (STTIC), which is an umbrella organization for similar societies or associations in Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec and other provinces.

Several representatives from the federal, provincial, city governments, VCC, UBC, SFU and other celebrities like former Vancouver mayor Sam Sullivan and Global TV host Mike McCardell have confirmed to attend the celebration. For any information visit:  www.stibc.org or call 604 684 2940.