Delta Police warn residents of 2 South Asian males offering candy to youth


On March 7, 2022 Delta Police responded to a report of a suspicious circumstance that had occurred earlier in the day at approximately 4:37 p.m. 

Two youth were approached in the 11300 block of 81 Avenue in North Delta by a van driven by two males. The youth were offered candy by the males and asked to get into the vehicle. Both youth ran away and told their parents.

Vehicle Description: older silver or champagne coloured minivan with a green “N” on the back. Possible partial B.C plate of “LK”

Driver and Passenger: South Asian males, wearing black and navy Bandana style head coverings.

Although there have been no other incidents of this nature reported, the Delta Police are taking this opportunity to remind people to review safety measures with their children. These safety tips may include; 

  • To walk in pairs whenever possible
  • Stay in well-lit and high traffic areas
  • Make noise and draw attention to yourself if approached
  • Run to the nearest safe place –home; store; recreational facility
  • Never go with strangers 

“We are also encouraging our citizens to contact police as soon as possible to report any suspicious person and or vehicles in your neighbourhood. These youth did the right thing, they ran home and told their parents and most importantly they didn’t get in the vehicle,” informed Delta Police.