VANCOUVER – British Columbia government is promoting greater diversity and inclusion in the public service. Public sector organizations Agencies, Boards, Commissions are created to deliver programs and services on behalf of BC government. Board members help ensure that agencies are appropriately governed and fulfill their mandate to advance the public interest. Board members provide strategic directions and leadership to develop, approve policies and plans to fulfill organization’s mandate. Our current government has a policy of inclusiveness in which women, visible minorities, indigenous people, persons with disabilities, LGBTQ2S+ and others are given equal opportunities to contribute.
Individuals to serve on these boards are selected in transparent way, based on merit, skills, experience, education and abilities. Consideration is given to individuals with a broad range of backgrounds in the community, labour and business environments.
The College of Veterinarians of BC is created under the Veterinarian Act. Its’ prime mandate is to regulate the veterinarian profession in the public interest. CVBC council is the governing board of CVBC. It is great news that Gian Sihota has been appointed on its board effective from March 1, 2019 till March 31, 2021. It is a well- deserved and appropriate appointment.
Gian has spent decades working with various community, social groups and trade unions. He has vast experience as an executive board member in a number of organizations. He has served on BC Social Workers Board in the past and is presently freelance interpreter for provincial language services with Provincial Health Authority. He completed Foundation of Administrative Law and Principles of Natural Justice for professional regulatory tribunals from Justice Institute of BC. He has Masters in Economics, Bachelor in Education. Gian was a strong advocate for human rights, end violence against women, social justice campaigns during his working years.
Gian feels his appointment as a great honour. He is excited to find this interesting and rewarding experience to serve British Colombia. He says that his objective will be to serve public ensuring that governing, decision making at the board is transparent, fair, impartial, and honest within the policy framework.
Balwant Sanghera is a retired School Psychologist and Community Activist.