Hitchcock/Truffaut (G) *****


Star Maker!

By Alan Samuel

Worth every penny of batting holiday shopping is a trip down to the Van City Film Centre on Seymour  Street to take in Hitchcock/Truffaut. This fond recollection of a book and interview set done by two master filmmakers is a class act all the way. Starting on Dec. 18 propel yourself to take in this sure to be unqualified classic from Pacific Northwest Pictures.

Disarming in the extreme is director Kent Jone’s take on this almost surreal relationship  two directing giants. Set in the early 1960s we have the uncanny scene of French director Francois Truffault gong to Hollywood  to meet up and probe the mind of one of filmdom’s   larger than life legends: Alfred Hitchcock.

What follows is a triumphant dissection of Hitchcock’s illustrious work through his own words plus the added bonus of modern directors whose views on the big Brit can’t be denied. Leading luminaries like Wes Anderson, Peter Bogdanovich, David Fincher and Martin Scorsese are only too happy to lend their commentary to who Hitchcock was and why/how he became so popular among movie  going audiences world-wide.  Bolstered by a series of classic clips from a spate of memorable movies after seeing Hitchcock/Truffaut you I’ll walk away with further admiration for this one of a kind film maestro/magician.