The public can expect to see an increased presence of SPS officers, who will be assigned into positions in the Surrey RCMP as: · 65% Frontline – General Duty (Patrol) · 19% Community Services · 16% Investigative Services
A significant milestone in the transition of policing services in Surrey has now been reached with the SPS-RCMP Human Resource Strategy and Plan (“HR Plan”) formally agreed to by the Surrey Police Service (SPS) and RCMP, and endorsed by the Surrey Policing Transition Trilateral Committee (SPTTC).
The development of this HR Plan was a collaborative effort between the RCMP, SPS, and the three levels of government (SPTTC). The maintenance of effective policing and the preservation of public safety were the predominant considerations.
The HR Plan will guide the continuing implementation of the first phase of the transition of policing services in Surrey from the RCMP to SPS. The Plan outlines the expected numbers for the deployment of SPS officers and the related demobilization of RCMP members until the end of May 2023, as well as the required SPS recruitment and HR processes.
During this first phase, SPS officers will continue to be assigned into positions within the Surrey RCMP detachment, under the command of the RCMP. To date, 66 SPS officers have been deployed into policing operations, and more will join every two months. It is expected that there will be 295 SPS officers working alongside RCMP members by May 2023; they will be primarily assigned to Frontline duties, with some going into Investigative Services and Community Services.
Conversely, as SPS officers deploy in, RCMP members will be transferred out of the detachment on a regular basis. Based on current attrition and deployment plans, it is estimated that the RCMP will redeploy between 175 – 195 police officers to other RCMP postings through to May 2023. The RCMP will be working with members on their career options within the RCMP, ensuring timely transfers are aligned with the HR Plan in order to continue providing consistent policing service levels.
“The RCMP is committed to working collaboratively with our partners for the smooth transition of policing to Surrey Police Service. The most important focus, as always, will be the maintenance of police officer and public safety during this process,” saidA/Commr. Brian Edwards, Officer in Charge, Surrey RCMP.
“Surrey’s transition to a local municipal police service continues to move forward. The endorsement of the SPS-RCMP Human Resources Strategy and Plan allows both the RCMP and SPS to plan for the significant work ahead over the next 13 months, as more SPS officers are deployed to serve Surrey residents. We will continue to work closely with the RCMP throughout this unprecedented policing transition,” Chief Constable Norm Lipinski, Surrey Police Service.
With the implementation of the HR Plan, the planning will continue for several important issues to advance the transition, including:
- Pathway to the change of command from RCMP to SPS
- Transfer of equipment/assets from RCMP to SPS
- Establishment of the SPS information technology infrastructure
- Shared use by the RCMP and SPS of the existing City owned or leased facilities
This work will determine next steps in the transition process beyond May 2023.