In Canada Even Allegations Of Doing Political Favours For Funds Should Not Happen


Dear Editor,


It is a matter of great concern that hardly any month goes by when one reads the negative news about the elected representatives, especially of the Asian ethnicity at the Provincial and the Federal levels.  The accusations levelled against them range from  inappropriate public behaviour, that is, lying, gambling, sexual misconduct, etc.,  in addition to financial misappropriation and soliciting undue favour for their constituents.   The instant case is regarding Hon’ble Minister of Citizens Services, B.C.  (The Link of May 18).  Almost all the MPs, irrespective of their parties/ethnicity are involved in the practice of issuing visa support letters.


First of all, is it mandatory or even optional for a Canadian visa seeker in India/Pakistan or elsewhere to submit such a recommendatory letter from his or her elected representative from Canada?  I have not come across such a requirement at the Canadian Immigration website. However, it is a common practice to seek/ issue a recommendatory letter.    If such a    practice is in vogue, then there must be some attraction for both the recipient and the issuing authority of such letters.  Secondly, do the visa issuing authorities buckle under some pressure on the basis of such recommendation?  If yes,   is it not somewhat uncalled for and a compromise with the   delivery of immigration services without favour?  In fact, this matter should have been brought to the notice of the Government by the visa issuing authorities since this practice started.


It is a legal issue whether any particular elected representative has been benefited by this or not.  However, it is certain that the constituents who are close to the power are taking advantage of this practice vis-à-vis a common man.  At this stage, the government should collect data as to how many recommendatory letters have been issued during the last five years.



Zile Singh