Lawyer Paramjit S. Malhi is 7th candidate of Jinny Sims led Surrey Forward


Jinny Sims, Mayoral candidate for the Surrey Forward Electoral Association, has announced seventh candidate for Surrey City Council: Paramjit S. Malhi.

Paramjit S. Malhi joins Ramon Bandong, Arsh Mander, Theresa Pidcock, June Liu, Dr. Jody Toor and Philip Aguirre as Council Candidates for October 15 election.

Paramjit owns and operates his own law firm and prides himself on helping at-risk youth. After graduating from SFU and spending years volunteering with the Fraser Health Crisis Line, his firm is committed to helping the community through pro-bono services. He is focused on the well-being of Surrey residents so his young children can continue to enjoy the city.

“I am pleased to be part of the Surrey Forward team,” said Malhi. “This is a winning coalition of people willing to give back to their community. I am attracted to this team for three key reasons: 1. Everyone wants to give back to our community; 2. A strong understanding of how important small business is in our community; And 3. Jinny Sims. Jinny is a leader I am proud to support.”