Bollywood diva Madhuri Dixit,known for her million-dollar smile, was”thrilled” to unveil her wax statue at theMadame Tussauds museum hereWednesday.
The 44-year-old is the latest Indianfilm actor to join the A-list line-up at theMadame Tussauds wax museum, whichalso houses statues of Shah Rukh Khan,Aishwarya Rai, Hrithik Roshan, SalmanKhan and Amitabh Bachchan.”I am thrilled to be here in MadameTussauds unveiling a wax figure of myself.
It’s incredible just how detailed the figureis – they have captured my look beautifully!I feel very humbled to be includedalongside other Bollywood stars and someof my personal heroes,” Madhuri said in astatement on the museum’s official website.
The star of films like “Tezaab”, “RamLakhan”, “Sajan”, “Beta”, “Dil”, “HumAapke Hain Koun!”, “Dil Toh Pagal Hai”and “Devdas”, Madhuri is the sixthBollywood celebrity to be honoured hereat Madame Tussauds and only the secondactress, following Aishwarya.
Madhuri was involved in the creationof her figure from the start. She attendeda sitting in Mumbai where sculptors captureda catalogue of reference photographsand hundreds of precise measurementsto create the statue.
She also donated the exquisite pinksari donned by the wax figure, which tookfour months to make at a cost of 150,000pounds. The statue also has around itsneck a heavy neckpiece, and the look iscomplete with the perfect smile thatMadhuri is known for.