OTTAWA – A national Muslim group is urging MPs of all political parties to support a Liberal anti-Islamophobia motion, and for the Conservatives to “stop playing political games.”
The Tories are not backing the motion because they feel it focuses too much on Islamophobia, so they put forward their own motion which removes that specific word and mentions multiple religions, reported News 1130.
The Conservative motion has since been voted down in the House of Commons.
Canadian Muslim Forum President Samer Majzoub believes the motion is meant to de-legitimize the growing problem of Islamophobia and he rejects any criticism that claims the Liberal motion may somehow limit free speech. “Hate speech is not freedom of speech. It is not, so let’s not play games of this freedom of speech that leads to violence… of innocent worshippers.”
He adds it’s sad to see these games being played in the wake of the Quebec mosque attack last month that left six men dead.
The vice-president of the Quebec City mosque where the victims were shot during evening prayers says one shooting victim remains in intensive care while another is in a coma in critical condition.
Meantime, this morning the 27-year-old shooting suspect made a brief court appearance. Alexandre Bissonnette has been remanded in custody and will make his next court appearance late next month. He faces six counts of first-degree murder and five of attempted murder using a restricted firearm.