Nominations Open For Annual British Columbia Multicultural Awards


VICTORIA – British Columbians are  being encouraged to nominate multicultural champions whose exceptional work in their communities throughout the province promotes inclusion and cultural diversity.

British Columbians have until Sept. 26, 2016, to nominate individuals,

organizations or businesses to receive a British Columbia Multicultural

Award. The awards will be presented at the British Columbia

Multicultural Awards ceremony during British Columbia’s

Multiculturalism Week in November.

Five categories are open for nomination: individual, business,

organization, youth, and multicultural excellence in government. Award

recipients in the first four categories will receive $5,000 to be

donated to a non-profit organization of their choice to further support

the work of multiculturalism in the province. All award recipients will

take home a trophy.

For more information about the awards, eligibility requirements and to

submit a nomination visit: