OUTSIDE THE BOX: The Word and Sat Guru



By Mike Bhangu

God’s Word purifies by eliminating the egoic and material identity of a person.  This allows the spirit within to rise and direct the thoughts of a person.

The spirit is conscious of God and the spirit acquires its direction from The Lord.  A person walks in the Will of God when The Word courses through an individual.

The power of The Word (The Shabad) is indescribable and from The Word comes all creation, within all creation is The Word, and in The Word all merge.  The Word can even reanimate the unanimated—what most people might denote as “raising the dead”.  However, within a person, the sacred vibration is silent and must be triggered to sound.

The Word is alive but dormant until awoken and only God reveals God’s Word.  In specific, God Spiritually-Manifest.  God is said to be Unmanifest and Manifest, and the Holy Spirit is the name given by the Christians to identify the second.

A common understanding there is amid the many religions, God is Unmanifest and God is also Spiritually-Manifest.  The Great Architect is in all creation and all creation is in The Great Architect—the Unmanifest aspect.  Simultaneously, God is unto the self, outside all creation, and interacts with God Unmanifest—the Spiritually-Manifest aspect.

The craving that each living thing has, the yearning for something—a union—a completion, commonly misidentified by the contemporary person with a love for a material object or another human, is an innate desire to reunite with The Unmanifest.  This is why a material object or a person can’t permanently satisfy the craving.  A material object or a person only disguises the feeling, like a pharmaceutical painkiller.  When the mind has grown accustom to the material object or person, the yearning will again speak to the time and space of thought.  Only The Source can provide an unbreakable and everlasting love.  Only The Great Architect can satisfy the inner impulse.

The idea of God Manifest is in almost all religions and in the New Testament, the Old Testament, and the Qur’an, the terms The Spirit, The Holy Spirit, and The Spirit of God signify God Manifest.  The Sikh doctrine knows God’s Spirit as Sat Guru.  Thoth called The Manifest, Poimandres.  The Buddhists know The Spirit as Maitreya.

Sometimes this notion of God Manifest isn’t so easy to identify, and as author Alexander Smith suggests in his book, The Holiest Lie Ever: Glorified by Myths, Mysticism, Symbolism, Rituals and Traditions, the symbols of the dove and fire, at times, represent the Holy Spirit.  These symbols can be found in a multitude of religions, including those of the ancient Greeks, the Romans, the Druids, the Egyptians, the Incas, the Hindus, the Buddhists, and the Celts, who claim their Salic Laws were guided by Sat Guru.  The Celts named The Holy Spirit, Salo Ghost.  Vishnu is the name given by the Hindu religion.

Although it might appear as if there are two, God Unmanifest and the Holy Spirit, there is actually only one.  It’s difficult to comprehend.  A distinction there is and a distinction there isn’t.

“For God has revealed them to us by his Spirit. The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God.” — (1 Corinthians 2:10)




“Without the True Guru (Holy Spirit), no one has obtained the Lord; without the True Guru (Holy Spirit), no one has obtained the Lord.” — (Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, ang 466 of 1430)

The potential to build a relationship with God Manifest rests with every person, but God Unmanifest cannot be found or understood solely by woman or man, and only God’s Spirit can introduce a person to The Lord.  Furthermore, God’s Spirit is a teacher—the all-knowing and always truthful Professor.  A lecture conducted by The Spirit will reveal reality’s true nature.  But only when the student is ready will the teacher appear.

To connect with Sat Guru a person should meditate towards, pray (produce the appropriate vibrations through sound), genuinely perceive all creation as one, sincerely beg The Lord, and function through the better half of the mind’s duality.  In one half of the mind live the Five Weapons: love, truth, compassion, humility, and selflessness.  In the other half live the Five Thieves: lust, anger, pride, greed, and attachment.  The human being is in a constant state of vibration and the frequency changes to correlate with a person’s thoughts, behaviour, and emotions.  If a person dominantly operates through the better half of the mind, their constitution will produce a resonance Sat Guru favours and their subtle essence will attract the spiritually pure principles.  Such a person is in a state of being ideal for a celestial experience.

“For the sinful nature desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the sinful nature. They are in conflict with each other…” — (Galatians 5:17)

If a person functions through the negative aspects of the mind, such as anger, lust, attachment, pride, and greed, a person emanates a vibration/aura/frequency that doesn’t impress Salo Ghost.

Suppressing the ugly half of the mind’s community isn’t easy.  It’s a great sacrifice.  It’s overcoming nature.  It entails great internal pains.  Yet, the prize for controlling the body’s influences is the correct vibration.  This vibe attracts the attention of Sat Guru.

The authority and instruction of The Holy Spirit is necessary to understand The Great Architect.  Without Sat Guru, no person will truly grasp the wonders of The All.  If a person were to forget all religions and entrust strictly in Sat Guru, he or she will gain enlightenment.  The Holy Spirit taught all the true sages.  For this reason, religions have much in common.  The source is the same and the differences are Earthly assertions.

If blessed, God’s Spirit will gift The Word, and this sacred vibration has two general states, dormant and awake.  In a person, when the resonance is awake, a type of rebirth occurs.  The material nature is subdued by the nature of the spirit, and the place thoughts and actions are deliberated is lifted above the influences of the body and Maya/Mammon, to become a conduit for God’s Will.

God Unmanifest introduces God Spiritually-Manifest to a person, and the second unites an individual with God Unmanifest—God introduces the person to God.  That is, after a rebirth.  When a person is lifted, in full awareness, and as a member of the audience, an individual walks in God’s Will and see God’s play in action—as opposed to a player unaware of the play and trapped to the script.

An individual may have mastered their chakras, learned how to manipulate the principles of the Universe so to perform miracles, or accumulated all the wealth the planet has to offer, but without Sat Guru, a person will never know the true essence of ONE.

The following YouTube video titled “The Secret of God’s Spirit. By Mike Bhangu”, summarizes this article.  Take a look.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9qpDIUkgh4M

– By Amazon best-selling author, Mike Bhangu ([email protected]).  To view Mike’s book catalogue, please visit Amazon.com and search: Mike Bhangu.  Or use the following URL: https://www.amazon.com/Mike-Bhangu/e/B00ZXHPGQI/