GATINEAU – Under the Conservative rule, Passport Canada will be raising rates it charges to renew or make new passports.
The new high security ePassports will be issued to Canadians next year. With the ePassport, Canadians will have the option of getting a new, security-enhanced passport that is valid for five years, starting next year, or a 10-year passport, starting in early 2013.
The ePassport is a higher-security travel document that will help Canadians travel abroad with ease. And since it is valid for 10 years, it is also more convenient.
Under the proposed the fees for the five year valid passports will rise significantly. The price for a 10-year ePassport will be $160. The price of a 5-year ePassport will be $120, compared to $87 for the current non-electronic 5-year passport; and
Some other passport services that are currently offered for free, such as file transfers and certified photocopies, may have a fee attached.
Passport Canada welcomes Canadians’ input on the fee-for-service proposal. An input submission mechanism has been put in place at Input on the proposal will be accepted from November 10 to 25, 2011.