Please Don’t Forget The Seasonal Worker, Mr. Trudeau


Open letter to Prime Minister Trudeau:

There is a lot of money spent to workers and businesses but no mention of help to seasonal workers who harvest vegetables and fruits with their naked hands. Seasonal and farm workers come every year to harvest crops. Without them agriculture industry will be in serious trouble.

At least ten thousand workers are transported by labour contractors to the fields in BC. They are transported in crowded vans. Usually there is no fresh water to clean their hands, and no plans are being made to give them gloves or protective gear. Consumers will suffer because of the lack of support to the seasonal workers. Ministry of agriculture is sleeping on it. Maybe Work-safe should start some plans to help out as a safety and preventive measures otherwise it could prove very dangerous to the general public.

Dr. Charan Gill, M.A., M.S.W., O.B.C.

President Cnadian Farmworker’s union.