Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday spoke on the Sanatan Dharma controversy that stemmed from Tamil Nadu minister Udhayanidhi’s statement that Sanatan should be eradicated like dengue, malaria. According to the LiveHindustan, PM Modi in an informal chat with the ministers during the Cabinet meeting raised the issue and and said the ministers should give befitting reply to the Sanatan Dharma debate. They should learn about the subject and present facts to counter the opposition leaders in the Sanatan row without letting the India versus Bharat controversy eclipse the Sanatan row. PM Modi also cautioned that only party spokespersons should speak on the India versus Bharat issue, the report said.
What is the Sanatana row? What does PM Modi reacting to it signify?
1. Tamil Nadu chief minister MK Stalin’s son Udhayanidhi Stalin stoked a controversy after he compared Sanatan Dharma with dengue and malaria and stressed that Sanatan Dharma should be done away with.
2. The comment triggered a massive political controversy with BJP leaders questioning INDIA leaders whether it is the collective opinion of the opposition. Udhayanidhi was also accused of encouraging genocide.
3. Even after massive outrage over his comment, Udhayanidhi stood by what he said and clarified that his comment was against caste-based society. He denied that his comments were genocidal and said when PM Modi talks of Congress-mukt Bharat, he does not speak of erasing all Congress people.
4. The opposition parties which are part of INDIA were divided over Udhay’s comment. Congress’s Priyank Kharge and Karti Chidambaram supported what Udhay said. An FIR was registered in Uttar Pradesh;s Rampur against Priyank and Udhayanidhi under Sections 295A (deliberate and malicious acts to outrage religious feelings) and 153 A (promoting enmity between different religious groups) of the IPC.
5. DMK leader Udhayanidhi defended his comment against caste-based society and said an example of discrimination under Sanatan Dharma was the fact that the Centre did not invite President Droupadi Murmu to the inauguration of Parliament. Udhay — in his teachers’ day message — also cast aspersion on Dronacharya of Mahabharat who asked for Eklavvya’s thumb. Eklavya was a tribal boy and was therefore exploited, Udhay suggested.