Actress Priyanka Chopra,who is planning to throw a henparty for her best friendTamanna Sharma’s wedding,says she will get married whenshe finds Mr. Right.Talking about her ownwedding plans, Priyanka said:”The moment I find a guy, Iwill get married.
“The 29-year-old was talkingat the launch of Big CBS’show “India’s Glam Diva”.The actress said: “We havegot all the her trousseau done.All her clothes are done andher husband-to-be is not lettingme do anything much butI think I will do a hen party.”She and Tamanna havebeen friends for 12years.
Priyanka ended2011 on a successfulnote with “Don2: The King isBack” and continuedit this year withthe blockbuster “Agneepath”.She haswrapped up shootingfor KunalKohli’s tentativelytitled ” Teri MeriKahaani” oppositeShahid Kapoor, andis currently workingon ” Barfi” and “Krrish 2”.