Remembering 1984 Genocide Of Sikhs And Indian Residential School Horrors!


Hundreds of Canadian Sikhsfrom across Ontario and Quebec gathered at the Parliament Hill this week to mark the 37th anniversary of Operation Blue Star – and a rally to remember 1984 genocide of Sikhs by Indian government. A candle light vigil was also held in Vancouver to remember the 1984 massacre of Sikhs as well as the remains of 215 Indigenous children found in Kamloops Indian Residential School. Between June 1st and June 6th, 1984, Operation Blue Star was an (Indian army assault carried out on the Holiest Sikh Shine, Sri Darbar Sahib also known as the Golden Temple. Over 30,000 Sikh pilgrims including women and children were killed with army bullets during this week of bloodshed. See story on page 8.