Steps To Improve Your Emotional Health


Emotional health can lead to success in work, relationships and health. But what happens when you have low self-esteem, lack confidence and generally feel beat no matter what? Yes, life can tough. But it’s important to know that there is a fine line between emotional health and mental health and one affects the other.

The worst part is that when your emotional and mental health is a wreck, your physical health also goes downhill. That’s why today we break down the barriers and walls that are stopping you from living your life to the fullest.

What is emotional health?

When your self worth is less then your emotional health also takes a beating. You tend to see the world in a negative frame or you just turn into a pessimist. Being a pessimist can hamper not just your thoughts but also your well being. Today we shall try some steps to help you change this negative nature and infuse some easy solutions.

Reasons for poor emotional health

There are several reasons why you may experience weak emotional health – work, relationship with friends, partner or family, finance, past experience. The reasons are endless but the rut it creates is like a bottomless pit.

Signs of poor emotional health:

– Are you obsessed with the same thoughts? Or to put it nicely, are you preoccupied with one thought – for example, why did my ex dump me?

– Insomnia.

– Zero self respect, lack of confidence, blaming yourself constantly.

– Change in your weight.

– Falling sick often.

– Always tired or lack energy.

– Difficulty controlling anger.

Well these are some of the signs of poor emotional health.

Here’s how you can improve your emotional health and get back to living your life to the fullest.


Shake off your poor emotional health by accepting that you are in a rut. Accepting it is the first step towards recovery.

Get out of the house

Staying in the house and avoiding your friends is not going to make anything better. Make a conscience effort to step out more often and meet your friends or well wishers. The good company of food people is a sure shot way to step out of the rut.


Intense and persistent problems need the advice and knowledge of a shrink. They understand the psychology of your mind and will suggest ways to overcome your problem. Even though psychologists and shrinks are not commonly approached in India, social stigma is not a reason for you to not seek professional help.

Talk about it

Men rarely want to talk about their problems and what’s in their head simply because it takes a lot of convincing and trust for someone to open up. Talking about your problem will help you shed the burden from your shoulders and more importantly, from the heart.

Traditional Healing

Yoga, meditation, deep breathing are a few favoured choices for sages and celebrities. These ancient techniques are still instrumental in relieving you from unnecessary stress and clear your mind. But these techniques should be followed everyday and not sporadically.

Be thankful

Even though it may sound preachy, but count your blessings. By doing so you will realise that there are still a lot of good things in your life and you have more reasons to be cheerful than sad.

Be in touch with your emotions

Understanding your emotions and tracing the root cause of the emotion will tell you why you are sad, angry or depressed in the first place. Observing your emotions can help you control it and avoid angry outbursts.

Find some ME time

You may think we are contradicting our statements but you need to spend time in solitude. Some constructive alone time will help you introspect and its a good chance for getting away from the chaos of daily life.

Exercise can improve mental health

Exercise and physical activity is a good outlet to improve mental and emotional health. You can also lose weight, improve your health and be fit. All you need is 30 minutes per day to see results.

Find something you like to do

Everyone has some kind of a hobby or something they like to do – playing games, painting, dancing or hanging out with friends. The point is do something that will not isolate you completely for hours. And no, ‘facebooking’ is not a hobby.

Develop resilience

Be resilient. It will not only help you but will also ensure that you can face any challenge life throws at you. Besides coping with the emotions you should be able to bounce back to normalcy. Developing resilience is art that should be nurtured to overcome a mental breakdown or an outburst.

Sleep and rest

During turbulent times your mind doesn’t not get rest so instead of over-thinking your problems sleep on it. Get sufficient sleep and rest as lack of sleep will only add stress to your body and physical health.

Eat right

Fallout of poor emotional health leads to emotional eating as people tend to eat to drown their feelings. Emotional eating is linked the weight gain and hence it is important to know that following a right and have a balanced diet with some amount of physical activity is crucial for emotional health.

Drugs, alcohol and smoking

These habits will only give you momentary pleasure; if you want to be free and happy in the long run then it is advised that you stay away. You don’t want unnecessary addictions along with your emotional problems.

Get a pet

Caring for a pet can keep your mind busy plus your mind will be distracted from unnecessary thoughts and emotions. Isn’t that the aim of improving your emotional health?