Surrey investing in 80 Avenue to improve traffic flow, road safety, and neighbourhood access


SURREY: The City of Surrey has announced that it is planning to widen 80 Avenue between 120 Street and King George Boulevard from 2 to 4 travel lanes to help reduce delays and prepare for future growth.

80 Avenue from 120 Street to King George Boulevard is a key east-west corridor serving Newton, Surrey’s most populous town centre. Improvements along this corridor are needed to help reduce congestion, prepare for future growth, and increase road safety for all road users. 

Key corridor highlights of 80 Avenue include the following:

  • Residents use 80 Avenue to access homes, jobs, businesses, shops, banquet halls, places of worship and more.
  • 80 Avenue is also a major truck route. Keeping traffic moving is essential for the movement of goods and services and our economy.
  • Traffic volumes currently along 80 Avenue range from 15,000 Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) to 18,000 AADT which generally warrant road widening to four lanes.
  • Certain sections along this corridor are lacking in proper cycling and walking paths.

The city is also planning to add multiuse paths for safer cycling and walking to give residents more travel options.

The improvements will be done in multiple projects with varying timelines. It is anticipated that congestion will increase / traffic will get worse with Newton’s projected residential, commercial, and employment growth.

  • 80 Avenue: 120 St to 128 St – Construction anticipated to begin in fall 2022 with completion in 2023.
  • 80 Avenue: 128 St to 132 St – Completed in 2018.
  • 80 Avenue: 132 St to King George Boulevard – Under design. Construction timing to be determined. Watch this page for updates.

Improvements for 80 Avenue Between 120 Street and 128 Street include:

  • Repaving and widening the road from 2 to 4 travel lanes
  • Improving access, safety and circulation with a new traffic signal at 122 Street and a new pedestrian crossing at 26 Street
  • Adding two-way left-turn lanes, where possible, to allow full movement access to the commercial businesses along the corridor
  • Adding paths for safer cycling and walking