Surrey’s roads to get significant upgrade: City Council approves $6M


Surrey, BC –Surrey’s roads are getting a significant upgrade after Surrey Council approved $6M in major road paving contracts during Monday night’s Regular Council Meeting. 

“The long and cold winter has taken a toll on our roads,” said Mayor Doug McCallum. “The upkeep of our roads ensures that our transport network moves smoothly for our citizens whether they drive, take transit, walk or bike. That’s why Council is making the investment to keep Surrey’s road network well maintained and in a state of good repair.”  

Two contracts were awarded to BA Blacktop Ltd. by Surrey Council Monday night, one in the amount of $3.3M for Arterial and Collector Roads and the second in the amount of $2.7M for the Major Road Network. 

The first contract includes repaving of Arterial and Collector Roads. The following upgrades are expected to start in April and be complete in August: 

·         Arterial Paving – 140 St: 84 Ave – 88 Ave  

·         Arterial Paving – 144 St: 60 Ave – 64 Ave  

·         Arterial Paving – 16 Ave: 144 St – 152 St  

·         Collector Paving – 60 Ave: 168 St – 176 St 

The second contract involves repaving of ‘Major Road Network’ roads. The following work is expected to start in April and be complete in June: 

·         Arterial Paving – 152 St: 78 Ave – 79 Ave  

·         Arterial Paving – MRN 152 St: 68 Ave – 72 Ave  

·         Arterial Paving – MRN Fraser Hwy: 152 St – 160 St  

·         Arterial Paving – MRN Fraser Hwy: 195 Blk – 196 St 

Learn more about the planned upgrades to the Major Road Network;