Trump Creates ‘VOICE’ Office To Support Victims Of Crimes Committed By Immigrants


Racist Dumb And Dumber President Creates No Such Office For Victims Of Thousands Of American Killers And Criminals!

WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump said Wednesday he has ordered the Homeland Security Department to create an office to serve American victims of crimes committed by immigrants.

However, the racist dumb and dumber President creates no such office for victims of thousands of American killers and criminals!

Trump said the office will be called “VOICE” — short for Victims Of Immigration Crime Engagement. There were audible groans and sounds of surprise from people in the audience when Trump said the name of the new office.

Trump said the US must support law enforcement and support the victims of crime. He says the new office will provide a voice to people ignored by the media and “silenced by special interests.”

Trump said he invited four Americans to attend the speech whose families were affected by crimes committed by immigrants in the US illegally.