We In Canada Can Celebrate That We Are A Nation That Celebrates Peace And Harmony


Dear Editor:

After terminating my brief trip to the United States and returning back home to Canada at the Peace Arch Border, I noticed Canadian flag was flying half-mask. Suddenly impression spring up in my mind that how Canadian government beautifully respect and honour all citizens regardless of their cast, creed or culture.

So why as a true Canadian citizen we do not remember to contribute something meaningful in order to preserve peace and harmony ?

As a faithful patriotic  we should keep positive approach for our fellow citizen. Actively involved  in a process to make co-existence life comfortable happy  without jeopardizing other people’s right to live safely.

There have been solidarity actions with Canadian Muslims communities since shooting at a Quebec City Mosque.

A greater amount of people gathered with bouquet of flowers and sympathetic greetings cards at various Mosques, worshiping centres and public places throughout the  Lower Mainland with a view to promote friendship, mutual understanding and brotherhood among all people.

During this tragic event Canadian share their sentiments with a gesture of sympathy and appreciation towards everyone. they conveyed condolences and participated in prayers so the sorrow cushioned and lightened.

The value of all Canadian are prime important therefore they need to be treated in manner of  humanity, justice and equality. They created an atmosphere to make everyone feel proud to be Canadian. In accordance with human rights enshrined in our constitution.

Indeed Canadian demonstrated a wonderful and high level of integrity and unity in our ethnical diverse society.

Everybody stood up solder to solder  at time when attempt was made to interrupt our human integrity. I think such type of unifying effort will shine our 150th birth anniversary of Canada.

If we emotionally attached strongly than no bullets or bombs power will break our bond of relationship. Any other force will utterly fail to divid or disrupt us.

Hanif A. Patel

Surrey, BC