Weak Economy And Low Dollar Having No Effect On Trudeau Government’s Popularity


How is the weak economy, dropping dollar and low oil prices affecting the federal government’s popularity? Not a one bit as many Canadians realize that much of the blame needs to go to the previous Stephen Harper government which largely mismanaged the economy when the going was good.

VANCOUVER – How are the weak economy, dropping dollar and low oil prices affecting the federal government’s popularity? Not a one bit as many Canadians realize that much of the blame needs to go to the previous Stephen Harper government which largely mismanaged the economy when the going was good.

The results of a new survey by NEWS 1130 found people don’t seem to be paying attention to the negatives.

Around 60 per cent of people surveyed by Nanos Research say they’re remarkably happy with what Justin Trudeau’s government is doing.

Just over that number feel Canada is moving in the right direction.

University of the Fraser Valley political science professor Hamish Telford said: “What people voted for back in October was a new style, especially a new tone and Trudeau has delivered that so far, so this is giving Justin Trudeau a boost at the moment but the chickens will come home to roost shortly, particularly when the budget comes.”

More than half of those surveyed are happy with what they say is a better relationship between the province and Ottawa under the Liberals.