Troy McLelan
Lawyer -Simpson, Thomas & Associates
There is a lot at stake in an ICBC claim, particularly if you have been seriously injured. After a major accident, you may suffer lost wages or be unable to work altogether. You may no longer be able to go about your daily life without pain. You only have one chance to make your claim. It is essential that you have the best personal injury lawyer on your side—someone who will protect your legal interests and ensure you recover the compensation you deserve.
If you don’t think you have the best personal injury lawyer…
You can change representation if you do not think that you have the best lawyer for your case. It can take months or years to resolve a complex ICBC claim, and in that time, problems may arise in the lawyer-client relationship. A lawyer who seemed zealous at the outset may not actively pursue your case. Progress in your claim may stall. Communication with your lawyer may become difficult (or non-existent). You may lose faith in your lawyer’s abilities or feel that the lawyer lacks the resources to handle your ICBC claim. If you are not happy with your current legal representation, consider reaching out to another lawyer. Most personal injury firms—including ours—offer a free, confidential consultation to review your case. It is in your best interests to get a second opinion.
What happens if you change lawyers during your ICBC claim?
If after careful consideration you decide to switch lawyers during your ICBC claim, there are several issues to be addressed. If you signed a contingency fee agreement, the usual practice is for your former lawyer and your new lawyer to agree to split the contingency fee once your ICBC claim is concluded. In that situation, you will not be required to settle the former lawyer’s account before the new lawyer takes your case. However, timing can have a great impact on a lawyer’s willingness to take over your case. The more time and work your former lawyer put in, the less the new lawyer will be entitled to. For that reason, it is recommended that you not delay if you suspect you may not have the best personal injury lawyer handling your claim. Another issue is the orderly transfer of your file. An experienced lawyer will ensure that the transition is done smoothly and handle the details for you so you can focus on recovery.
Switch to the best personal injury lawyer for you
If you have been injured in a motor vehicle accident and are considering a change in legal representation, call us today at (604) 689-8888 or contact us online to schedule a free, confidential consultation.