Will Only Prayer And Precaution Will Save Us From This Deadly Coronavirus?


By Hanif A. Patel

Owing to speedy transportation system and advanced communication technology, the universe has now become a place of tiny village. Thus, a crisis in one particular region is no longer a crisis for that area but it has become a matter of global concern and seriously affecting widespread, like the Coronavirus, which originated from China and how affecting people everywhere.

It has been more than two months since Coronavirus is rapidly spreading across all continents and if it won’t stop, it will cause severe damage to the world economy and other sectors. Fear is mounting more than reality. Almost all countries in the word have now reported the cases of Coronavirus and Government authorities are taking all possible steps to protect their citizens.

People in the World are in the grip of grave fear of deadly virus in last several weeks whether they are from rich or developing countries.

World Tourism has come to an unimaginable stop with so many cancellations and postponement of big conferences, events and even the latest James Bond film No Time To Die. Many countries have stopped giving visa to foreign nationalists. For example, Saudi Arabia is not allowing Umrah pilgrimage until indefinite period. One can imagine how this is adversely affecting pilgrims, tourism and transportation of people.

It seems people are in complete panic because so far there is no cure for the deadly virus that critically affects elderly, sick and those with immune disorders. Prayer and precautions are the best means to fight the deadly disease that has killed more than 3000 people. Stay Safe everyone!

Hanif A. Patel is a Surrey-based writer.