By Acharya Dwivedi
The World Interfaith Harmony Week (WIHW) is based on the United Nations General Assembly ‘s Resolution in 2010 which was proposed by HH King Abdullah II, and Prince Ghazi of Jordan. Since then, February’s first week is marked for the celebration all around the world.
The goal of WIHW is to cultivate cultures of peace, harmony, compassion, respect and understanding of each other’s faith through dialogue. Interfaith organizations organize various activities during this period to highlight interfaith harmony. It is a celebration of humanity.
It providesan opportunity also to consider significant challenges facing the world such as racial hatred, social injustice, human rights, and environmental problems, and find peaceful solutions. An extremism of any kind is bad and needs condemnation.
It is high time for interfaith and faith organizations to assess that. their works are reaching out to wider communities and specially to grassroot people or not.
This year Multifaith Action Society and Global Clergy Association jointly organized a conference on February 5, 23 at Spirit of Life Lutheran Church in Vancouver, and conference’s theme was “Women in Spiritual and Religious Life”. The conference coordinator Acharya Dwivedi welcomed the guests, and Shirly Berelowitzas a MC did marvelous job in introducing the speakers -Rabbi Dr. Laura Duhan-Kaplan (Jewish), Cathy Merchant (Buddhist), Lali Pawa (Sikhism) and Rev. Aneeta Devi Saroop (Christian) who brilliantly presented their views.Lorraine Reinhardt and Leah Bruno gave the soothing musical performance, andLorraine Reinhardt, Jagruti Khajuria, Anjana Jain, and Mahora recited the peace prayer.
After a short intermission, participants were divided into groups for discussions and dialogues. Bernard Bouska, the manager of Multifaith Calendar described the important features of the calendar. Marcus Hynes, the joint coordinator of the conference , and Vania Mak provided the technical support. Gale Spick, a longtime member of Multifaith Action Society’s Board thanked all speakers, spiritual leaders, host Rev.Aneeta D.Saroop, and musicians. Participants loved the conference.