Pakistan’s Honourary Investment Counsellor Named Senate Nominee


CALGARY – An honourary investment Counsellor for Government of Pakistan who describes himself an entrepreneur and businessman was one of three new Senate nominees selected by Alberta voters in the first of so-called elected Senate.

Prime Minister Stephen Harper said he welcomed Mike Shaikh and the other two selections chosen by the people of Alberta, held in conjunction with the recent Alberta general election:

“I would like to congratulate Doug Black, Scott Tannas and Mike Shaikh on being selected as Senate nominees for the province of Alberta, and I applaud all the candidates who ran for these positions,” Harper said

“Our Government remains deeply committed to democratic reform and will continue to encourage all provinces and territories to follow Alberta’s lead by giving voters a say in who will represent them in the Senate.

“In keeping with this commitment, I will recommend that the Governor General appoint the next Senator for Alberta from the list of new Senate nominees.”

Shaikh is a chartered accountant and director of various private, public and not-for-profit organizations including a Board Member for The University of Calgary, Canadian Association of Police Boards, the Chartered Accountants’ Education Foundation and the Canadian Air Transport Security Authority. He is also Chair of Calgary Police Commission.

During the Senate nominee election campaign, Shaikh said one of his visions as Senator would be to build a National Safe Communities Program.

“We need to make wise investments in crime prevention, early intervention and education,” Shaikh said. “Getting tough on crime and building more jails is not the only answer. We need to get at the root causes of crime and violence. I’ve worked with the Alberta government on its Safe Communities Initiative and believe it’s a model that would work to make Canadians safer.”