Superhero Battle Designed To Drain Dollars From Fans


By Alan Samuel

Two superheroes in one movie can be too much. Done right there can be good dynamism. Sorry, fan boys and fan girls. Forget what you may have read. Director Zack Snider  does succeed in  Pulling off a colossal struggle in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. See the battle royal get joined courtesy of Warner Brothers at Cineplex Odeon Theatres around B.C.

Lots of storyline has gone into this big budget movie. Buffed up Ben Affleck and Henry Cavill do acquit themselves quite well as a couple of tortured crime fighters out to do good. Yet

In this 2 1/2 hour flick they wind up facing off against one another. Prior to this central showdown of epic (well, not quite) proportions we are treated (?) to  quite a bit of background tracing out how one or two of these   guys became good.

Given a couple of new actors playing familiar roles Batman v Superman does have a lot to offer. Too bad it is too long. Newcomers Jeremy Irons  and Jesse Eisenberg show promise as Alfred and key madman Lex Luthor. What can’t be overlooked is the dark tone of this movie; compared to the classic films in this genre from the past there seems to be less spectacle here and more exposition. That may   Be good for some but there are  too many scenes that don’t grab you outright.

Perhaps the most pleasant surprise in this whole affair is the dark and menacing tone that  Ben Affleck brings to the party, the pleasant debut of Gil Gadot as an impressive woman of wonder notwithstanding.