Promod Puri Offers A Refreshing Look At Hinduism From A Very Personal View


HINDUISM: Beyond Rituals,Customs and Traditions

By Acharya S.P. Dwivedi

In his book HINDUISM: Beyond Rituals, Customs and Traditions, distinguished South Asian journalist and prolific essayist Promod Puri has tried to cover the historical evolution of Hindu dharma and its major philosophies, theistic doctrines, social codes, rituals and practices.  He admits openly, “Hinduism is a democracy of conflicting, contradicting and controversial thoughts and theories” (Preface iii) with that feeling it would have been difficult for him “to pick and choose” the paths, philosophies or doctrines. He neither claims that book is an academic research paper nor meant for teaching. Furthermore, he admits that the understanding and facts he acquired about Hinduism is mostly based on internet and his personal experiences, and that reflects his humbleness too.

As far as methodology is concerned Puri has applied analytical approach. He interprets everything rationally and  denounces irrational snobbery. Being a Hindu, he doesn’t use any smoke screen to hide his anguish, frustration or guilt-consciousness, and out rightly condemns centuries old  decayed, dis-functional and torturous  Hindu social traditions and customs. He dealt in length demonic treatment of untouchables and downtrodden (Dalit) segments of  society.

He focuses on issues and challenges which modern person of Hindu community are facing. Commendable job in putting Hindu religion from historical development to present practices.  This Puri has done on his own terms without any obsession of classical tradition of  discussion  based on school of  philosophies and theistic doctrines. He identified the tumult of terrific inhuman practices and racked the truth which is all spread over religiously regulated life of a common person of Hindu community.

He writes thoughtfully and straight from the heart. His intelligence is not dimmed because of his repetition on the subject of untouchables. His book and its contents will  motivate  not only Hindu reform- loving people but all those also  who will  cherish his banner of equality, dignity and justice to all living beings on earth. He moves from Hindu problem and turns it a global one . Puri emerges as a vanguard of  Hindu reforms.

Puri came up with the categories of philosophies,  yoga, scriptures and sciences, music,dance and drama and thoroughly explained it. Of course, he cited  several quotations from Manu Smriti to buttress his arguments. It would not be  out of way  to say that- ‘one life is not enough to cover  all Hindu scriptures’.   Of course,  Puri has no commitment with any  particular  Hindu creed or  ideology.  Although, Puri seems to be leaning on Western scholars  while describing the  period  of the development  of Hindu religion and writings of scriptures but adhered with the basic values.

As for as the symbolic significance of idolatry, spirituality, karma-dharma and  temple rituals are concerned, he picked up the true spirit of  Hindu belief system and offered impressive interpretations for example-  “Idolatry establishes direct one to one relationship between a devotee and the divinity”(p.36),  “ Arti and several other elaborate adoration  generate a spiritually charged atmosphere of reverence and sacredness” (p.45), and “ Hinduism’s democratic framework the management of self is what we call a way of life” (p.122).    He quoted three verses/mantras 1. Om purnamidam…2.Aum bhur bhuvah… 3.Aum dyauh shanti…  because of their  sublime quality of universality, peacefulness, harmony and secularism. Obviously, he enriched the Hinduism by adding the scientific interpretation of  above mantras including Aum and  Naad  etc.

He dealt in length the caste and class problem in Hindu society which has degraded and horribly contaminated the social and religious fabric. I have discovered two traits 1. Exposing the social imbalance and 2. Hope for the improvement. In support of the later trait he has described the reform movements and invaluable contribution of the Messiah of Acchoots and Dalits- Dr. B.R.Ambedkar. Puri completely rejected an irrational and non-logical writings of  Manu and appeared as a radical and anti-traditionalist.

There is marked difference in the present Hindu society because of an enhancement in  education, urbanization and constitutional laws that are en-cracking  upon the inflexible traditions.(p83) People are severing their relationship with evil Hindu customs and rituals. It can be safely admitted that reform movement in Hindu religion is gathering momentum. “Consequent to Hinduism’s democratic framework the management of self is what we call a way of life”, a mantra to be enchanted.(p.122)

His lucidity of language carries the freshness and clearness that  is immensely impressive, and  easily comprehensible. Puri  is a writer of uncommon brilliance and  interpretive innovations, and  he applied  effectively appropriate terminology to strengthen his arguments.

This book appears to be his life’s work and carries delightful blend of scholarly and analytical explanation, and  further it provides general reader a concise and easily understood facts of Hinduism. It fulfills the need of authentic exposition of Hinduism. Finally, I would like to conclude that  Promod  Puri’s works stand out before us to be complimented  and appreciated.

Promod Puri’s book- “HINDUISM” is published by Create Space Independent Platform in December 2015

The Global Hindu Foundation of Canada is organizing a book launch of “Hinduism beyond rituals, customs and traditions” on April 24 at 7399-122 St, Strawberry Hill Public Library in Surrey. It is free and open to all. Because of the limitation of seats, please call to Acharya Dwivedi 604 507 3099.