OUTSIDE THE BOX: The Christ And The Shabad (God’s Word) – Part 1


By Mike Bhangu

As long as the mortal does not come to understand the mystery of the Shabad, the Word of God, he shall continue to be tormented by death.” — (Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, ang 1126)

The surname of the Nazarene known as Jesus isn’t Christ. All Christian scholars will agree. The term, Christ, is a designation.

Over the past several years, I spoke with many followers of Jesus and most were unaware of the mentioned. Nor did they know what the term represents, and through no fault to them. Most of what they know of Jesus was taught by the churches. Sometimes, the churches facilitate a false narrative. Sometimes, the churches aren’t even aware of it. Political insertions and motivations of long ago, pollute the majority of world religions and the many doctrines. Christianity isn’t exempt. As such, today, the God seeker isn’t privy to all of Heaven’s truths, and falsehoods, presented as genuine, readily obstruct their spiritual voyage.

Jesus was superhuman and rightly given the title of Christ. But what is a Christ?

The term, Christ, if correctly grasped, is as a Philosopher’s Stone. Through the knowledge of the title, the most-high spiritual notions can be understood and a person has a greater chance of resting in the Lap of God.

The word, Christ, can be granted to any person. However, most people will never taste the title. Only the select reach the required conscious awareness.

The crown of Christ is given to and rests on the individual in whom the Shabad (God’s Word) is awake and active. God’s Word sits within every person and is dormant until a Divine intervention. However, only the perfect receive such attention. They are those who’ve killed the body but still live—they are those who’ve mastered the material and are slaves to the spirit—they are those blessed by God’s Glance of Greatness.

Jesus was such a person. He was perfect. Captain of the physical and metaphysical—a saint-soldier with a perfect soul—a creature harmonized with all that is pure. Consider him Heaven’s superhero. In him, the Shabad (God’s Word) was awake.

The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.” — (John 1:14)

God’s Word is another concept missed by many, and again, through no fault to them. Truths are hidden, the person is misdirected, and without understanding the meaning of God’s Word, the Christ cannot be fully apprehended.

Most popular religions teach that their Holy Book is God’s Word and no other book can claim this honour. Nevertheless, the Holy Books do not associate The Word with the entirety of any Holy Book or religion. God’s Word is misunderstood, and by extension, so is the Christ.

To add, the whole of a Holy Book consists of words and not just a single word. In the different books, within this context, when God’s Word is described, it isn’t pluralized. Yet, religions associate God’s Word with words, sentences, and paragraphs.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” — (John 1:1)

God’s Word as a collection of words doesn’t really make sense. I struggled for many years hoping to rationalize the popular depiction taught by the different religions. I couldn’t do it. However, outside the accepted notations, placed within the original context, God’s Word is an easily understood phenomenon.

Yes, it’s true and the phrase “God’s words” is used in some of the Holy Books, yet, this doesn’t reference God’s Word. In addition, in the Old Testament and the New Testament, the notion of “God’s Word” is applied in different ways and with different means—furthering the confusion. At times, it refers to what God supposedly said to a person, and at other times, it references God’s Word as I present it. Moreover, it’s evident that meaning was lost in translation and the English versions of the different Holy Books do not give the same messages as those in the original languages. My suspicion is that the original documents are much clearer as to what God’s Word truly is.

God’s Word isn’t the whole of any Holy Book and God’s Word is a sacred frequency/sound/vibration.

How did I come to this revelation? By recognizing that there is truth in every true religion and then independently travelling deep into the different religious literature. This said; the Sikh Holy Book, Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, was instrumental in teaching The Word as a primal vibration and revealing the common celestial thread linking every true religion. Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji explicitly deals with concepts that are hidden in other Holy Texts. This Holy Book is akin to a key able to decode the other true religions. The Sikh Guru freely reveals what the mystery schools conceal. Without the teachings of the Sikh Guru, it might’ve taken me several more decades to grasp the concepts I present, if at all.

Unfortunately, the popular notion of The Word (the Shabad), amid the Sikhs, as the others, is also wrongly linked to the entirety of their Holy Book. Sometimes what is written isn’t what’s popular.

The Unstruck Sound-current of the Shabad, the Word of God, vibrates in the Court of the Lord.” — (Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, ang 1137 of 1430)

When the body dies, where does the soul go? It is absorbed into the untouched, unstruck melody of the Word of the Shabad (God’s Word).”— (Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, ang 327 of 1430)

(To be continued next week)…

By Amazon best-selling author, Mike Bhangu ([email protected]). To view Mike’s book catalogue, please visit Amazon.com and search: Mike Bhangu. Or use the following URL: https://www.amazon.com/Mike-Bhangu/e/B00ZXHPGQI/