Keep Your Resolutions For 2015 Simple And Pursue Diligently


By Balwant Sanghera

Well, another year has just gone by. It is time to say goodbye to 2014 and welcome brand new 2015. This is usually the time to make new resolutions and plans for the New Year. That is the easiest part. The difficult part is to implement the resolutions. It needs determination, commitment and above all, the motivation to succeed in whatever area one may decide to choose. The resolutions may relate to losing weight, exercise regularly, better relations with loved ones or financial independence etc… Regardless, motivation is the key in ensuring the success of any resolutions or goals set to accomplish anything.

Often, we tend to set lofty goals in the beginning of the year which may be hard to achieve. As such, our goals should be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely. Furthermore, they must be developed enthusiastically and there should be some reward(s) once the goals are achieved. In this context, there are four steps that make our goals achievable. First, we must know what we want. In other words we must have a burning desire to achieve them. Half-heartedly or vaguely set goals are rarely achieved. Second, we need to develop a plan to achieve those goals. The goals may need to be split into short and long term.  Third, we need to put every effort and energy to achieve them. That will need a lot of discipline, hard work and dedication. Finally, once these goals are achieved, give yourself a reward. It serves as a positive reinforcement.

Prominent motivational speaker, Azim Jamal, founder of Corporate Sufi Worldwide Inc., has outlined a ten step plan titled Effective Goal-Setting. Jamal begins with the premise that when we have a deep desire to achieve something, the universe conspires to help. If the reason “why” you want something is not strong enough, the “how “will not happen. Furthermore, as mentioned earlier, the goals must be specific, measurable and broken down into small segments-short, medium and long term. Changing old habits and forming new ones is not easy. There are bound to be a number of bumps and obstacles along the way. It is like a road map designed to go from point A to point B –a journey. Enjoy the trip while keeping yourself focused on the final outcome. Once you acquire a new habit, celebrate; reward yourself and then go on to another one.

In addition to discipline, motivation, positive thinking and optimism are also very important in achieving the set gaols. People, who think positively and optimistically, know how to keep themselves motivated. They approach their commitments with a can-do philosophy. Optimists use their imagination very well in rehearsing success. So once you decide what your resolutions and goals for the New Year are, set your mind to achieving them with dedication. Use your imagination to rehearse success. Be creative. Believe in yourself. Have fun. Enjoy the ride and celebrate success.

Happy New Year!

Balwant Sanghera is a retired School Psychologist and Community Activist.