Applications invited for Gandhi award


Winning SFU student could get up to $1,500

The Mahatma Gandhi Annual Student Award was established at Simon Fraser University in 2007 through the generous contributions of the Institute for the Humanities at SFU, the Thakore Endowment and the India Club. The purpose of this award is to recognize and honour those SFU students who, in the spirit of Gandhi’s work, have been active in voluntary community service in areas related to peace, justice and human rights.

The Mahatma Gandhi Annual Student Award, valued at up to $1,500, will be granted annually to a current or newly admitted full-time SFU student in good academic standing on the basis of demonstrated community service and leadership.

Voluntary service may include any voluntary service which contributes toward the betterment of the human condition: health related and caring services, literacy and training programs, peer group assistance, work with peace organizations, social justice initiatives, community building services, anti-violence programs, anti-poverty programs, and local, national and international programs that address issues related to peace, justice, and human rights.

Applications packages must include:

  • a one page description of the student’s volunteer work which includes why you chose volunteer work in the area of your choice, your experience as a volunteer, and, lastly, speaks to the question of how effective you feel your volunteer work was.
  • include at least one letter of reference from a person in the organization or group with which you volunteered.
  • a resume which includes all of your paid and volunteer work to date.

Complete application packages must be received no later than September 9, 2016. Recipients will be recognized at the Gandhi Jayanti ( during the October 2–4, 2016 celebration.

The recipient of the award will be made by the Senate Undergraduate Awards Adjudication Committee based upon the nomination of the Gandhi Selection Committee.


  • New and current SFU undergraduate students
  • Deadline for all entries is September 9, 2016.

Entries are to be sent to the Institute for the Humanities, #3150, SFU Harbour Centre, 515 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, B.C., V6B 5K3.

For further information on the award, please contact Huyen Pham ([email protected]).