SFU To Celebrate 9th Annual Diwali Gala In Surrey On Oct. 18


SURREY – Simon Fraser University will host its 9th annual Diwali Gala at Surrey’s Aria Banquet Hall on October 18 at 6 p.m.

More than 300 business and community leaders, along with SFU students, faculty, staff and alumni attend the annual event, celebrated in India as the festival of lights.

The evening features South Asian cuisine and performances—this year, the entertainment will be provided by Vancouver’s South Asian Arts—and is one of the many ways in which the University celebrates Indian culture and engages with the South Asian community.

Funds raised from the event go toward SFU student scholarships to support opportunities for students to work, study and volunteer in the cities and villages of India, through the university’s mobility initiative.

Supported by the SFU-India Advisory Council, the business and networking event provides an opportunity for the community to learn more about SFU’s India initiatives, including the university’s India Strategy, and meet council members as well as students who are current and former recipients of the India mobility initiative funding.

To purchase tickets, please RVSP by Oct. 11 (at www.sfu.ca/invite/diwali or call 778.782.4268, or [email protected]. *Early bird tickets can be purchased until Sept. 27.

What: SFU’s Diwali Gala Celebration

Where: Surrey’s Aria Banquet Hall, 12350 Pattullo Place, Surrey

When: Tuesday, October 18 at 6 p.m.

Website: http://www.sfu.ca/ceremonies/events/2016/public/diwali.html