Former NDP MLA Harry Lali Will Have To Fight Off Local Indian Band Chief For NDP Nomination In Fraser-Nicola


Lower Nicola Indian Band chief Aaron Sam hopes to beat veteran politician Harry Lali for NDP for the nomination but Sam better get his brigade together as Lali is known to bring out the posse!

MERRITT – There are now two high-profile candidates seeking the NDP nomination in the riding of Fraser-Nicola for the upcoming provincial election.

The chief of the Lower Nicola Indian Band Aaron Sam has just put his name forward be considered as the potential candidate. He will be facing off against long-time MLA Harry Lali, who was defeated in the 2013 election, reported CBC News.

Sam hopes to beat veteran politician Harry Lali for NDP for the nomination but Sam better get his brigade together as Lali is known to bring out the posse!

“Being chief of over the last three years has been very rewarding,” said Sam.

“I’ve been able to contribute positively to my community and the First Nations communities in the Merritt area … however, I am interested in serving people on a larger level.”

Sam said though he has the “utmost respect” for Lali, he feels that he is the best candidate for the job.

Lali served for nearly two decades as the MLA in the region, from 1991 to 2001, and then again from 2005 to 2013.

“Nobody else in the entire province can touch the record that I have in terms of delivering for the people of my constituency,” said Lali.

He said he was pleased to hear that Sam will be running against him.

“I’m glad that he’s put his name in — now I know who I’m fighting against instead of a mystery candidate,” said Lali.

“Anybody who wants to be MLA in Fraser-Nicola, they’re going to have to beat me, whether they are Green, NDP or Liberal.”

A date has yet to be set for the nomination vote.

The riding of Fraser-Nicola is currently represented by Liberal Jackie Tegart. She will be seeking re-election in the spring election.

She will face off against Arthur Green of the Green Party along with the NDP nominee. The B.C. Conservatives have yet to name a candidate.

The B.C. election will be held on May 9, 2017.