Canada – You’re Beautiful!


By Gian Singh Kotli


Beautiful! beautiful treasure trove of heavenly beauty is Canada.

Blooming diversity of Flowers a colorful spring garden is Canada.


No discrimination of caste, creed, profession, color anywhere.

People are respected and treated really like humans in Canada.


All faiths cultures, beliefs, and ideals enjoy their diverse colors.

People enjoy the right to promote their culture justly in Canada.


All around is fascinating sweet charm of fairy like beautiful faces,

And smiling bony babies look budding spring flowers in Canada


Decent civic sense prevails supreme people are sweet and courteous.

The entire world has accepted that best of all countries is Canada.


No high handedness, disparity, corruption, bribery, injustice here

People are listened fairly as the Government is very just in Canada.


Humans are not treated, tortured, beaten, inhumanly like animals.

Even the offenders are treated courteously by Police in Canada.


Licenses to break laws and to commit crimes are not for sale here.

Always truth and justice weighed in “Balance of Justice” in Canada.


Vast landscapes, thick old forests, are invaluable treasure of nature.

The business of wood has beaten even the gold-business in Canada.


All lofty dreams, lovely longings, warm aspirations, sweet wishes,

And fine colors of all people painted this masterpiece of Canada.


Seniors have longer life have no remorse for the youth gone by,

Elderly pensioners sit and frolic freely here and there in Canada.


No job small, low, high, no disparity between the king and popper,

All work valued in its earnest, deemed a dignified honor in Canada.


What a grand grandeur for Faiths and greater honor to human-values!

That even the Defense Minister is purely a colorful true Sikh in Canada.

Gian Singh Kotli is a writer and poet based in Surrey.