30 Pilots And Flight Attendants Confess The Best Kept Secrets You Don’t Know About Flying


Reddit, a social news and entertainmentwebsite, is becomingincreasingly popular and is evencalling themselves the self-proclaimed“front page of theinternet.” Created in 2005,Reddit users post links to articlesor information, and otherusers are able to comment,debate and conversate on thetopic.Recently the following questionwas posed on Reddit: Flightattendants, pilots, or engineers,what are some secrets that passengersdon’t know when youride on planes? Many answerswere submitted but here are afew of the most interestingones.* When a plane is landing atnight, they dim the interiorlights in case you need to evacuateupon landing, your eyes arealready adjusted to the darknessso you’ll be able to see betteronce outside the plane.* After they tell everyone to turnoff all electronics, flight attendantsgo to the back, pull outtheir phones and start texting.* Half of pilots sleep while flyingand they usually wake up tofind their co-pilot asleep.* The blankets and pillows onflights get refolded and reusedbetween flights. The only freshones are on an originating firstflight in the morning.* Don’t touch the tray. Flightattendants see more dirty diaperslaid out on the trays thanfood, and generally don’t cleanor sanitize them in-betweenflights.* The drinking water used formaking coffee and tea is in aholding tank that is often nevercleaned. They have accumulatedso much green grime that insome places it can be inchesthick.

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