Sunita Williams Determined To Continue Kalpana’s Dream


NEW DELHI- It’s been just few months since Sunita Williams returned to earth after her 4 month long space odyssey and still she is waiting to ‘fly’ again, reports Jayashree Nandi of TNN. ‘Tolerance’ for everyone and the fact that people are “universal citizens” of a beautiful planet are something which Williams learned from her trip to the International Space Station.

Sunita Williams is visiting India for the first time after Expedition 33 and addressing students at the National Science Centre on Monday, she shared her experiences and the moments of fun she had at space. She also showed the students some clippings taken from the space.|

When asked about Kalpna Chwala, her close friend and colleague, Sunita became bit emotional. “We had trained a lot and I had confidence in the team that was rebuilding the system. I had to continue Kalpana’s dream,” said Sunita, who did not show sign of nervousness over Kalpana’s death at the Space Shuttle Columbia disaster.

Sunita also shared some of her personal things, from the ambition she had in her life to the successful career path so far “I did not dream of becoming an astronaut. I loved animals and wanted to be a veterinarian. I was a good swimmer, too, and my brother talked me into going to the Naval Academy. I was a helicopter pilot and until my mid-twenties didn’t realize that I could become an astronaut.”